
Principal Investigator: Dr. Lea Nienhaus

Associate Professor of Chemistry
Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Rice Advanced Materials Institute Fellow

Education and Positions
2010 – B.Sc. Chemistry, Uni Ulm, Germany
2015 – Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2015-2018 – Postdoc Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2018-2024 – Assistant Professor, Florida State University
2024-present – Associate Professor, Rice University

Selected Honors and Awards
2024 – Alfred P. Sloan Fellow
2024 – Journal of Physical Chemistry C Lectureship Award
2023 – Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award
2023 – National Science Foundation CAREER Award
2023 – Grammaticakis-Neumann Award

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Current Students
Colette M. Sullivan

2021 – B.S. Chemistry, University of South Carolina, Aiken
2023 – M.S. Chemistry, Florida State University

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Dr. Sarah Wieghold, staff scientist, Argonne National Laboratory, Advanced Photon Source
Graduate Students
Dr. Zachary VanOrman, postdoc, Harvard/EPFL
Dr. Alexander Bieber, Halliburton
Undergraduate Students
Laura Zelter, Undergraduate student, FSU
Anakha Vargheese, Undergraduate student, FSU
Lourdes Infante, Undergraduate student, FSU
Greg Moller, PhD Student, Northwestern
Arianna Rodriguez, PhD Student, Emory
Emily Cope, PhD Student, University of Montana
Meghan Leger, PhD Student, Penn State University
Lauren Daley